Scotland (1) Inventions

Scotland (1) Inventions

2 4 i i\ T R O D U C I V G 5 C O T !. A \ D

Great Scottish Inventions

Despite iLs relatively smali size and population Scotland has produced a remarkable number of inventors ovtr the centuries. The late 1700s and ISOOs were years of such intense creamiry tliat they became known as the Period of Scottish Enlightenment. Many technological, medicinal and mechanical breaktliroughs were madę at this time, including the invention of the steam engmc, the bicycle. ahtiśeptic and the telephone. Out of the country s faecories. universities and laboratones came a breed of men who were intrepid and forward-thinking. Their revolutionaiy ideas and experiments produced inyentions tliat have sliaped our modern. prbgressive soćiety

UŃjartjj-jin tabiea (1594 i were feiised hyjohn Mapier as dpmctićal u ay of miilliplying and dwiding large numbers. IbOujd; to usc, the Utbles td.'-k • ■'/TOK r

Continous electric light (1834) n as inuented by James Bauman Lindsay usitig galeonie cells in a rwokilionary design.

arijlfel niotion operaied ii che v,ł|ve& in time.

The pneumatic tyre/\ire (John Diinlop, 1887), was originaUy patented by R\V ‘Thomson and then deeehped by Dunlop for usc on bicycles andkuer, cars



A flywheel

scored energy so ilnu rhe engine ran smoothly.

I Golf dubs were I oiiginally woaden I and band-crafted I by uaipenters I such as Old Tom I Morris By 1890 ' aluminium-headed clubs bad hecn introduced

The rotative steam engine (James Watt, 1782) was a refińement of tbe exisling steam engine This netu model soon became tbe diiringforce bebind tbelndustrial Rewhdum m Britain, powering all manner of machinery Wdtts success led to bis lianie beinggiuen to tbe modern unit of power

The bicycle (Kirkpathck Macmillan, 1839) was , onginally known asa wlocipede, and it was not urttil tbe I8d0s thal bicycles Ugan to be manufactured and sold in signijicantly larga puantilias.

Colour photogiapny /1861 j wat-dćcehped by tbe Scc.tUsb pbysicist, James CMaxuell. The fint tu experi-ment uitb tbree-coten r pbatography, be pbótogrcipbe.d this tartan ribbon tising coloured watnr as a filier

Spray nozzle ____

Steam generator


Antiseptic (Joseph L 1865) in the form of

cwbolic ar. id was a most m:p: niani b^-aUtbrcugh m siirgety. Lister mscoettred rhat, applied to wounds and sprayed armtnd tbe theatre, the .ctcid belped to precent germs and infiztion.

I Carbolic acia reservoir

Tne telephone

tAlexander Graham Bell. 1876} was tbe scientific break ihrougb that reuolulionized tbe way the world c.ommumcatedmtroduang me transtnission of soimd by electricily.

Doiły the cloned sheep was deueloped w 1996 hy a team of scientists at Edinburgh s Kadm Institute. Doiły, the fint successful clone of cm adnll animal in tbe worłd. gaue hirtb m 1998

The iherrm'* fiask

(Sir James Den ar, 1892> was first designed as a ecicuu-n for slonng

■ a wr.ipttizliitg c

as tbe tbtrrmos, for maintainuig the temperaturo of hot and cold drinks

The radar receiver (Robert Waisem - Watt, 19,15) was in use ton# be-fore World War U. sińce Watson- Walt ’$ team bod butir tbefirst working radar de fance system by 19J5. Radar is an acronym for “radio detectton and ranging ~

Penicillin (Ąłexąndir fleming, 1928) is a disconery that bas cbanged tbe face of medicine. Fleming ■$ braincbild was tbe fint antibiotic dntg to treat diseases. and by 1940 it was beutg used to stttMt the Iives uftwunded soldiers.

1926), nr "teteuisor': was blach and wbite, and mutble topnklucesoimd andpictures togetber but U was net/ertbeless hctiled as a tripnumental irwenricn. In 1928 Baird ciemon-strated the possibilities uf crealing colour images


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