partitę relation: students, bureaucracy, and the working class. Actual-ly, the conflict occurs between the students and the buraeucracy, the workers being equally involved sińce both sides make appeals to them and seek their support. It therefore follows that the middle class would be outside what was happening. But this isn’t true. On the contrary, it would seem to us a fitting hypothesis that the »so-called leftist student radicalism* wasn’t overcome due largely to the pre-eminent support of the working class, who sent letters of protest but morę important was middle class, who played an unprecedented role, wielding pressure and influence. To this class, the student revolt was represented as the revolt of »our Chinese« who acted under the slogan »equal rights for everyone«. On the basis of analysis of the con-tents of their »texts«, which were printed in the country’s press, it would be easy to show that their first thoughts were for the middle class. This was the creation of maturę and calculating political think-ing because it was evident that the lower social strata would least favor the rejection of the student program. To clarify this point, we will quote in entirity the »Manifesto of the Student Action Committee for Demonstrations and Student Meetings in the Student Community«. of June 3, 1968 which says:
1. We consider social inequality among ourselves to be one of the basie problems of our society. In regard to this we demand:
- pay in accordance to work performed
- energetic action against the unsocialistic accumulation of wealth
- we demand the abolition of all privileges present in our society.
2. The high number of unemployed is one of the main sources of student anger. Therefore we demand:
- abolition of moonlighting
- the transfer of managerial Staff lacking sufficient qualification, giving preference to young experts in their place
- immediate enforcement of laws concerning required periods of apprenticeship and proper advancement of young experts to keep them from leaving to work in other countries.
3. The existence of a huge bureaucratic power in our society de-mands:
- the democratization of all means of public information
- free meetings and demonstrations.
4. The students are embittered about the conditions in the univer-sity. This consequently demands:
- improvement of materiał conditions in the university
- equal privileges of participation for students in all forums, above all where decisions are madę concerning problems, whether or not they are directly or indirectly linked to the students
- condemnation of the phenomenon of »clannish and monopolistic« tcndencies in some of the departments and a vigorous struggle against them