Shiatsu Self Massage 2
1. Hołd both feet w sauatUng. 2. Push thumbs Into soles. Flngers press up.
Energy Flow
helps energy to flow from feet to chest
Increases sensltlv-Ity. balance
Increases tolerance, helps relaxatlon
Energy Flow ( ) Energy Flow
. Thumbs on back . Apply pressure.
Promotes energy flow from head to feet
plexus. Other hai top. 2. Massage ■ gentle pressure.
conddence. personal po emotlonal ci
helps to makr dedslons, brlngs clarity
Use llght, rhythmlc movements.
brlngs courage, relaxes, dlssol-
1. Four flngers oi thumbs on back
2. tlassage wlth gentle pressure.
endurance, physlcal energy
left to rlght i Repeat 12 li
regulates metabolism. strengthens confldence
stlmulates braln actlyity, excellent
2. Gentle pressure.
3. Rotate thumbs.
4. Breathe deeply.
eases tension, llghtens mlnd, relaxes musdes
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