Symploms: lethargy, posterior paralysis and anxiety. Rabies in ferrcts is very uncommon. Documcnted incidents average 2 cases per year throughout the wholc United States. Those cases were caused by another rabid animal biting a ferret. Solution: Ruthanize immediately.
(1) calvaria
(Pictures Adapted from A n NQ, Evans HE: Anatomy of Ihe ferret. In Fox JG, ed: Riology and Diseases of the Ferret. Phiładelphia, Lea & febiger, 19HH, pp 14-65. Used with permission from W.IS. Saunders; Ferrets. Rabbits and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery and Mr. Howard E. Evans personally)
(2) hyoid apparatus
(3) !arynx
(4) seven cervical vertebrae
(5) clavicle
(6) soapula
(7) thoracic vertebrae
(8) five lumbarvertebrae
(9) three sacral vertebrae
(10) caudal vertebrae
(11) first rib
(12) manubrium
(13) sternum
(14) xiphoid process
(15) humerus
(16) radius
(17) ulna
(18) carpal bones
(19) accessory carpal bonę
(20) metacarpal bones
(21) ilium
(22) ischium
(23) pubis
(24) femur
(25) patella
(26) fabella
(27) tibia
(28) fibula
(29) tarsal bones
(30) calcaneus
(31) metatarsal bones
(32) talus
(33) os penis