Winners 2 Tests 9 11 testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key07

Winners 2 Tests 9 11 testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key07

Unit 10 Test B

Vocabu1ary and grammar

O Napisz godziny.


five past ninc 105

Yestcrday 1 had a surprise. 1 walked home with my friends. There were lots of boys and girls in the park. They played football. We looked at the gamę. At half past three we walked home. Then we stopped. A man climbed in the window in my house. We had a mobile phone and we phoned the police. The police arrived. Ts anybody there?’ they shouted. The man jumped front the window and he crashed into a tree. His leg was broken. They stopped the man. He is now in hospital.



1    12.15    _

2    half past four _

3    4.10    _

4    ten to seven _

5    10.45    _


O Uzupełnij zdania w czasie przeszłym.


The cat olimbed the tree this ntornine. (climb)

1 She

the teachcr. (not answer)

2 My dad

. near his school. (not live)

rt sho

nip yesterday. (phonf)

4 We

with the dog. (play)

5 The sanie

at eight. fstartl


Dokończ czasowniki.


I hą^ breakfast at a ąuarter past seven.

1 Ip

with my kitę in the park.

2 Ip

my friend at half past ten.

3 Ho j

fmm the roof

4 Ib

my tecth at five to seven.

5 I w

home at half past three.


O Podkreśl odpowiednią formę.


The musie wosn 't / werent nice.

1    It was hall' past / to twelve.

2    What / W hen time did you have lunch?

3    Was / Did he cycle to school?

4    We didn’t crash / crashed into the tree.

5    They arrived at / on five to two.


© Ułóż zdania twierdzące, przeczące i pytania.


you / phone / a friend (?)

Pid ^'ou phone- a friend?

1    you / walk / to school (?)

2    they / not / climb / the tree (-)

3    she / open / the case (?)

4    I / not / have / breakfast this morning (-)

5    the wolf / live / in the forest (+)


© Przeczytaj i zaznacz, które zdania są prawdziwe (✓). a które fałszywe (X).


Max had a surprise at school.    _X

1    Max looked at the garnę of football

in the park.    _

2    Max was with his friends.    _

3    Max climbed in the window.    _

4    A ntan jumped front the window in

Max's house.    _

5 Max's leg is broken.




Unit 10 TestB

© Oxford University Press



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