Winners 2 Tests 9 11 testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key09

Winners 2 Tests 9 11 testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key09

Unitll Test A

Vocabu1ary and grammar

O Uzupełnij wyrazy.





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5 s


0 Napisz czasowniki w czasie przeszłym. Example

have    had

1    buy    _

2    drink    _

3    wear    _

4    sink    _

5    take    _


© Ułóż zdania z podanych wyrazów.


time. police, the. arrived. on

The polite. arnved on łime.

1 water. Tom. dropped. the. something. in

2 we. not, see, boat, the. did

3 Tcssa. her. leg. yesterday. broke

4 not, take. did. we, photos, any

5 not. Kon. meet, his. parents, did


O Napisz pytania.


ylhen did •you ao to the ćasł\e?

We went to the castle on Friday.

1 _

We had a pienie in the country.

2 _

No. we didn't. We cycled to the castle.

3    _

We came back at seven o’clock.

4    _

We went with the teacher.

5    _

Yes. we did. We had a great time!


© Podkreśl odpowiednią formę.


Who did break i broke the skate?

1    Yesterday it was / were cold.

2    Did you have / had lunch at home?

3    Did / Were you see a penguin?

4    Who / Whose dog was with you?

5    What did he look at / on in the museum?



© Połącz pytania i odpowiedzi.


When did you go on holiday?    C

1    Where did you see the dog?    _

2    Who climbed the mountain?    _

3    Did you like the museum?    _

4    Did it rain?    _

5    What did Tom give Ann for her

birthday?    _

A Ali my friends and the teacher.

B Yes. we did. It was great!

C Last Tuesday.

D Some tlowers and sweets.

E No. it didn't. The weather was nice.

F In the park.



Unit11 Test A

© Oxford University Press



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