Winners 2 Tests 9 11 testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key15

Winners 2 Tests 9 11 testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key15

Progress test 4 TestB

Vocabu1ary and grammar

O Podkreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych.


egg. sandwich. dinner. cake

1    nose. leg. taił. tali

2    mouse. wolf, penguin, farm

3    birds, sea, river. lakę

4    came, bought. talk. took

5    museum. shop. cinema. town


0 Podkreśl poprawną formę.


The musie werent / wasn’t correct.

1    I had dinner at a ąuarter past / front four.

2    Did you Itace / do a pienie?

3    I didn't cisit / cisited my gran.

4    It couldn‘t play the piano very well / good.

5    What / How long was Diplodocus?


O Ułóż zdania twierdzące i przeczące.

Examples I / shout(+)

l ahouted.

We / make / a cake (-)

'Alf- didni make ii cm

1 The lesson / start / at 9 o'clock (+)

o Uzupełnij pytania.


Miere were you born?

In London.

1    _opened the door?

The teacher.

2    _old is she?

She‘s fourteen.

3    When_you go to America?

In 2001.

4    _it rain yesterday?

Yes. it did.

5    _did you go to school?

At half past seven.


© Wstaw czasowniki.


Kate brofcf her leg.

1 I v mv aunt last Easter.

2 We w

to the castle vesterdav.

3    11

4    Tom d

5    We w

after your cat last week. all the orange juice yesterday. big hats when we were on holiday.


( |s)

© Przeczytaj i wstaw brakujące czasowniki w czasie przeszłym.

2 We / go / to the country (-)


walk drink be make see sail

3 We / wear / sweaters (+)

4 We / sleep / at night (-)

5 Diana / break / her arm (+)


My holiday last year was. great. I was on a camp with my friends and the tcacher. Every day was fun. On the first day we

_and cycled in the country. Then

we swam in the lakę and ;_on a

boat. We climbed a mountain and visitcd two muscums. In the museums we

_old cars and skeletons of

prehistorie animals. They were fantastic!

We _our food. We always cooked

what we liked. It was very hot so we

_lots of juice. We were all very





Progress test 4 TestB

© Oxford University Press



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