Winners 2 Tests 9 11 testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key12

Winners 2 Tests 9 11 testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key12

Unit 11 Test B

© Przeczytaj tcxt. Opowiedz na pytania.

^Hi Gran.    ^

I m on holiday! We arrived on Saturday. We had dinner and went for a walk. We saw a tali mountain and a smali castle. The night was cold so we slept in sleeping bags.

On Sunday morning we climbed the mountain. It was fantastic! Then we visited the castle. It is very old and it's a museum now. We saw some very old things.

Yesterday we swam in the lakę and I sailed a boat with Peter. In the evening we had a big fire!

Love from



Where is Ted?

Hes on holiday_

1 Where did they go on Saturday?

2 Was it hot at night?

3 What did they visit on Sunday?

4 Whafs in the castle now?


O Napisz 5 zdań o swoich ubiegłorocznych wakacjach.


Extra tasks

W poniższych zdaniach pozamieniano rzeczowniki. Zamień je, uzyskując 5 logicznych zdań.

1    Lily madę a camera on the beach. san<kasł\e

2    Peter likes taking photos with his sandcastle.

3    We bought her a birthday campsite.

4    We arrived at the ticket in the afternoon.

5    I wore a card.

6    He bought a bus sweater.


© Wypisz wyrazy pod występującą w nich samogłoską.

wore talk score ropę know goal

5 Where did they swim?


Listening EU

O Posłuchaj i zaznacz, które zdania są prawdziwe (✓), a które fałszywe (X).


The woman wants to go to Cardiff.    >/

1    The train arrhres in Cardiff at 5.30.    _

2    The woman wants two tickets.    _

3    The boy wants two tickets for The

Lord of the Rings.    _

4    The boy is fourteen.    _

5    The ticket costs £3.    _


© Oxford University Press


( Total

~) ( Total

Unit11 Test B




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