Christopher Paolini

Christopher Books can take you deeper into people's thoughts and feelings than TV or radio. Until we irnent telepathy. books are our best choice for understanding the rest of humanity.

Interviewer What advice would you give to young people who’d like to write?

Christopher Three simple things: Write about what excites you the most. Be persistent and disciplined Be humble enough to accept criticism and learn all you can about writing.

5    t-HI*:t:<li'[d Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4.

6    $2.41 Read and listen to the song. Which sentence is correct?

1    A writer is addressing a publisher.

2    A publisher is addressing a writer.

Paperback writer

by the Beatles

Paperback writer (writer, writer)

Dear Sir or Madam. will you read my book?

It took me years to write - will you take a look?

Its based on a novel by a man named Lear.

And I need a job. so I want to be a paperback writer. Paperback writer

It s the dirty story of a dirty man And his clinging wife doesnt understand His son is working for the Oaily Mail.

Ifs a steady job but he wants to be a paperback writer. Paperback writer.

Paperback writer (writer. writer)

lt’s a thousand pages. give or take a few, ni be writing morę in a week or two.

I can make it longer if you like the style.

I can change it round and I want to be a paperback writer. Paperback writer.

If you really like it you can have the rights.

It could make a million for you overnight If you must return it. you can send it here.

But I need a break and I want to be a paperback writer. Paperback writer

Paperback writer (writer, writer)

7    Underline the parts of the song where the writer says:

1    how long the book is.

2    that he can write morę, or change the story if they want him to.

3    what the book is about.

4    that it will make a lot of money.

5    why he wants to be a writer.

6    where the publisher should send it if he/she doesn’t like it.

7    how long he has spent writing the book.

8    Match the coiloquial expressions from the song 1-3 with the meanings a-c. Then find the expressions in the song.

1    I need a break    a in a very short time

2    overnight    b approximately

3    give or take [a few]    c I need some luck

9    MiiMMIMd Work in pairs. Student A: You are the writer from the song. Tell the publisher why he/she should publish your book. Use the information from the song and your own ideas. Student B: You are the publisher from the song. Ask the writer questions and decide if you want to publish his/her book.

Unit 10 • The written word


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