[DETACHMENT] Skyhammer annihilation force

[DETACHMENT] Skyhammer annihilation force


Ui/.Uhi/ *atni*g ilu tu%n Ifrofi /W**f»    ^RHiAtistMW t<m* i«mu( Ou .Vł//.Vj,c.'./, tlsn twtft *hu<iibnng    łO /^o/./

ttf fA/ t»,.l'iv/iorlnr/. Amnumi reit/h *.'.*« ftfwi <i«i n^/ui 1«W    M.miist itAr o ruf. Ar.ny uw^iai    wivf

^*>uriAj»jłif infti /A//»»•. An at /Ao wr dłtttk wnu« /A*" Jui7/u,f ftrSAt, thnr tvrlhrr’. drumA u^wn    </fuims unA/urt TA/ m/Mrwi

of li* t Hit tul Wt itAl irrit\£jn*n n ^UMiAiin/roiiW/o/ (oO tArtf*.    u.W r^i|j (nimi, utf *U hal Arjmir{**ttKr ViA>in^'>

AiuikI/ .M-innn Ai ni/ m /Aor w/tf t>/mnh Me iArv{4.Vr. rA.iinf.w./i    M »ou^A /lrvk Jr/iw fA/ A.n eie- /«xim l*<4wr

Skyhnn nrr AnwiAnTiton /«»do «C    <-tynr /V e*rm; lAn n/A^iS Atyltt/% :l<w\


•    2 AkiuIi Squjdł

•    2 IK \au.u<M SłjiuiU


Ka<h ltcvattator V}uxl mu*i lakę j Diop l%»d a* j Dnliiilcil Tr.»n*p«itl. Fa<h A»wu!i .Sijujil mml łr rrjuippcd willi jump pJcL*..


Shotk Drpluymrnt: Ali limit in a NV.vluii.mci Aiiiulntacńiu Korce mmi tho gamę iii Deep Su ikr Rorne. Imtcad ■>! ming ihr nnrnul ikpfcAwni and rrvnt nile* fcw il*e»e unlt>. \<iu (sut. durtng ilejdonncni. choo*e wheihci thb Kot nulhki will ariivr iluring >oui fintor nnmul Itatn. llie entue M\luminei Anmhilatfcm Korce amomalicallr arriło on ibc cum you chotc - no Rctcnc Roi U aro rcejuircd. Iijnoir (hit Koinutioró Drop Pode foc che |Mirj»o%c% of tbc

Drop I\kI AiuuIi tpctiil nile.

FlrM ihc Flre. ihen ihe llladei On che mrn ihcy arrivr frotn Deep ScriLe Rrtcfte. che Dcmuior SrjuaiU In a SkyhaiRmrr Anmhilałion Korce h«r ihr Krlrmltn ipccial nile and llic Awmli ScjujkU <an rhaigr om ilw>i:xł» chr> arriird Irom Romo chał cum.

Supprrwinj* Ftnillade: A unit t atgi-ied hy j, Skvtuinnwv Annlhllation Korce'* Do-auator Sqoad In che Shootlng }4ia»c muU (akr a Morale Cot at ilw cud of llie phaw* on MH>. ir^aidlew of Ikiu mam <atvuhic« wrre mllicied II llie ieu i» f,illr<l. ihc enemy unii rlno not Kall Ikar k. bill nunc immeiliacely Go lo Cround. If che coc i» pav>ed,

(lic enemy unit i* muldę10 firc Oorrwauli lor ihc roi of llie tum

Ia*ave No Sunimn: Awaull Nijtud* m a Sk\liaiiinic< Annihilatiun Korce cau u*e ilieu jump pi< m Imili che Mmetnenl phate and ihr \wnill phaie Ifan Atuulc Squad frnm .1 Skthammrr Atuwhilation Korce chargcn a unii ilut lia» Cione CoGiound j\a loull of llie Suppioonj* łuiolladr %|ieeial nile. tłiat A»uuti ujnad CM rc-roll faikd lo Ilu and To Wmiml roli* in ihe cnoiing Awaull phate


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