Four years have passed sińce the Out break when theyj plagued London wifch thelr deadly menaee.They can not remember the long journey from the city throu the underground tunnels, fleelng In terror from the
nułei* ivi iKntrtKr Mmu łhc, na-t/niiil iimnHr r*«£ Cnnin
extermłnators. Now the peaeeful woods of Epplnjfl Forest echo wlth piercing screams nnd a cfjiiling reigil of terror has begun.
Is found mangled. Its paws rippedl
A farm yard from Its body A famlly of stoats Ile steughtered. thelr insldesfl pxposed and half-eaten.. I
Nothlng remalns of a courting coupie but shreds ofl ciothlng and a few gnawed bones ■
The rats' cravlng has become uncontrollable -crawlng that only liwing human flesh can satlsfy.