it is. his id-4$Siiy retnarns un-known. just likc that of Yvofinc’s
Information recelved by Thames Valley Police seems likoly to prompt renewed en-Q\a/qulr$Jb Into tho bizzarre murder of Mra Yvonr»o Hnrrison just ovor a yoar ago.
Rcsidenls of the smali hamkl of Lowcr Swinstcad «n Oxford-shirc arc bracing thcmscKcs for furthcr statcmcnts and a frcsh upsurgc of media interes! in thc ghastl/y murder of their fornscr ©7 ncighlwor/
' Tom Biffcn. land lord of thc Matdcns Arms. rcmains philo-sophical howeser 'You can'l blamc pcoplc. ean you? Exactly thc same as Jack thc Rtppcr. Nobody knows who hc was. That's why hc's so interesting Same w ith who dom: Mrs Harri-
son in. Nobody knows who hc was. Or sbc was.' >
\\£difftcult to disagrcc. Would 'jC we still be rcading about thc Rip-per if wc knew who it was who murdered und mutilatcd a suc-cesston of pmstitutcs in thc Kas!
Knd of London in thc 1870$? As
The sillogcrs thcmsclvcs arc less than fortheoming, and sccm dubious about any new break through in thc case. Lct’s just wivh thc polać a bit better luek this timc round.' says Mrs May Kennedy, who nms the surpris-ingly wcll-stockcd villagc shop.
And so say all of us. AU of us. that is. cxcepł the murderer.