The Random Housc Publishing Group

France* Collins

5W. r* m nm couns* i RANOCWtOOSt

Mr Arthur M. Phillips

November 13.2009

DearlMr. Phillips,

Re: Octobcr 7,2009 contract for produciion of ll*e Tragedy of Arthur"

We aro counscl for The Random Housc Puhlishing Group.

Aft er a rcvicw of your c-mail to Jennifcr I lershey on the lOth of this month. and of the terms of your contract with The Random Mouse Publishing Group for this book. it is our opinion and that of our Client. The Random Housc Puhlishing Group, that your proposed aclions would constitutc a hreach of your contract. Such aelions would scscrcly damage our Client and your reputation as well.

Pleasc deliver your manuscript of the annotated play, your Synopsis and Introduction. as well as superviscd acccss to the original copy of the play for photograpbic reproduetions by the Delivcry Datc as rwjuired by the contract.

Your failure to make such dclivcry would constitutc a materiał brcach of the contract.

In such event, we are instructed to pursue all available rcincdics to protcct our clicnfs interes!.

Senior Vice President and General Counscl r


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