'Hic Random Housc Publishing Group
Ucintrn HMMUMiy Ontwertf b^nutut v<rd
Franco* Collins
Dccember 9.2009
Dcar Mr. Phillips.
Rc: Octobcr 7. 2009 contract for production of "I be Tragcdy of Arthur”
J cmii for Hershcy has forw-arded to tliis Office your furthcr email of Deccmber X.
2009. csprcssing your intcntion to desiroy thc original cdition of the play "The Tragcdy of Arthur” by William Shakespearc. Ms. Ilcrshcy has bccn instrueted not to communicatc with you furtlicr in regard to this matter umil you ł»ave abided by the terms of your contract.
If you fail to do so. Random Mouse has instrueted us to seck all appropriatc rcmedics. włiich may includc injunctivc relief and reeovcry ofdamages. including łosi protils.
Of coursc your contract allows and indeed rcquircs you to wite an "Introductkin.” thc linal text of which is your own. You can cxpre$$ your disseming argument to thc play's authenticity in that spacc. Your vicws will llicn bc wcighed against thosc of olhers
Please respond to this letter. and our lelterof Nowmbcr 13. 2009. within two daysof the datę of this letter, indicating that you will eomply with ourelienfs re^uest and with your eontraclual obligations.
l-rances Collins
Senior Vice Presideni and General Counsel
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