And I beheld when he had opened the sixlh scal. and lo. there was a great earth-tjuake. and thc sun was as black as sackclolh of hair, and the nuwn was like blood. And thc stars of hearen fcll unio the earth. as a fig Irce casteth her green figs, when it is shakcn of a mighty wind. And heaven dcparted away, as a scroli, when it is rolled. and every mountain and isie were moved out of their places. And the kings of thc earth. and the great men. and the rich men. and the chief captains. and the mighty men. and ewry bond-man, and every free man. lud themsehres in dens. and among the rocks of the moun-tains. and said to the moun-tains and rocks. Fali on us, and hide us from the pres-ence of Itim that sitteth on the throne. and from the wrath of the l.amb. For thc great day of his wralli is come. and who can stand?
And I beheld when he had opened thesixth scal. and. lo. there wis a great earthąuake: and the sun bccamc black as sackclolh of hair. and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fcll unio the earth. even as a fig tree casteth her untimełyfigs. when she is shakcn of a mighty wind. And theheawn dcparted as a scroli when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island was mowd out of their places. And the kings of the earth. and the great men, and the rich men. and the chief captains. and the mighty men. and ewry Iwndman. and ev-eryfree man. hid themsehes in lite dens atu! in the rocks of thc mountams: and said to the mountains and rocks. Fali on us. and hide us from thc face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the iamb: for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able lo standi