WYKŁAD 22.11.2010
Poe’s ways of writing:
liad genius when he was wealthy
had strong ambitions and enormons capacity for work
used liis experience in his writing
he meticulously revised wliat he regarded his best work
had a logical mind (analyzing literały works in a magazine he edited- one of the best critics of liis day)
the chief aim of the story writer should be to create an effect upon the readers mind and feelings
tlie writer should first decide what effect he wanted to create, and then should make every event and word help achieve it
Poe was a master of atmosphere, picturing and suspense(like todays psycho-thrillers)
Poe invented tlie detective story: Tlie Tatiocinative’ tale The devices used in it:
a brilliant detective
tlie device of tlie ‘ baffled friend’ - tlie detective’s companion is not good at Solutions. Tlie detective tells liim the story.
At the end - the detective discloses his surprising solution and elucidates’ - step by step tlie reasoning tliat led to it.
By eliminating all tlie impossibilities, you amve at tlie tmtii The foil is ratlier stupid
- The official guardians of the law are blundering and unimaginative
- The locked room' convention
- The unjust suspicion
Deduction by putting ones self in anothers position.
Poes contribution to literaiy theoty :
The philosophy of Composition’ or ‘ How IW rotę the Raven’ (1846) -famous account of Poe’s poetic practice
Eveiy effect is planned, poetry is not spontaneous, it is strategie Tliere are no accidents, no effects of inspiration
Poe’s poetry:
ideał subjects of poetiy: beauty, melancholy and death beauty - is ‘the essence of the poem’
- sadness - is the tonę of beauty's ‘highest manifestation’
has musical pattems uses incantation, hypnotic rhythm, and verbal melody, creating a sense of mystety
repetition of sounds
the poet shares the world beyond phenomenal experience, like priest, sliaman. or magician with almost divine knowledge, leading readers to the Promised land’, so tliey forget the ordinary world - for example, the poem ‘Dreamland’.
Poe s tlie mes:
may be connected with the mental State of the author, but do not explain the work itself
burdeli of a doubt
death - of a beautihil woman. tlie seductive naturę of deatli
loss, despair
double self (split-personality)