'S.S ybu v/af\t tKe trotk,

ybu mu^t bok -br it.

it'^ tKat eimple.

i-T it '<, tKere, it will ^tick a bot out a$ ytu pa^; be vAt( Kold Ki£ ^ide laufK^S a£ ybu -611...

it will be morę tKar\ ^tu expected.

2ot thei\, of couree, yfcu mu^t decide vrt\at yfcu re ^pirsg to do vAtk Kun.

I\e mbj\t ^tart to bilów yfcu arom\d —

Yoo carbu^t picture Kun

dov/r\ or\ tKe eori\er witk the boy^,

tryirsg to Ktt ii\— yfcur biervk, vAU Kate Kun bot wob-t be abie to a^k Kun to leave beeau^e of Kie, ejze.

Ke'll tr/ to ^i\g tKe bae£ part, completel/ de^tro/ tKe Karmocy.

!\b ^r,

yfco wob-t be able to take Kim ai\/»/kere.


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