Alice Sophie Wal lace was bom in 1906. on a farm her lathei homeslcadcd shortly after coming to this country from Holslcin. Germany in the INNOs. I he farm was locatcd on rich bottom land of Reno lownship. I.eavcnworth County. near Eudora. Kansas, a lew miles west of Kansas C ity.
Henry and Mary Koerner. her fatherand mother. raised si\ childrcn: fivc boys. and one girl. Al an early age her mother nurlured Alice Sophie*s inter-est in crochet. necdlework. and the handerafts, an interest which was to be a lite longavocation. Since she was the only girl in a predominately małe farm family her older brother nicknamed her Lady. and the nicknamc slayed.
Alice Sophie later married Leonard Wallace. a handsome farmer from nearby Platt County. Missouri. and began her own family. ta king with her from the "Koerner Homestead"an abiding legacy ol old world arts and crafts. Whcn World War Two eame along. she and Leonard moved to l awrence. Kansas, w herc they remained umil 1959. Leonard retired.and they moved to Kedondo licach.Califor-nia. Alice began working with I RW Semiconduc-tors. testing diodes that would sonie day be used in rockets which would go to the moon and bcyond.
She had always delighied Iriends and relativesall over the country with presents of her crochet work. Whcn Leonard beeame ill. she nccdcd money to help pay for his medieal expcnscs. She began to crochet her bcautiful roses into lovely corsa ges. and sell them in tlic necdlework and cralt shops of Southern California. Ciood Housekeeping boughl one ol her patterns. and published it. She madę lit-erally hundreds ol flowers for wedding partics and special evcnts. workingby day at l'RW. and at night on her floral designs and patterns. with the ever preseni dream ol someday publishinga book of her designs.
She has always been active in her church. and a lew years ago w hcn her nicce expressed thedeepdc-sire to become a missionary to Africa. Alice Sophie was the lir^t person to plcdge her support to that work. Her niecc. Maxine Koerner Lalley. is now a missionary with her husband Jerry Lalley. awaiting their fourth tour ol duty in Africa. It is Alice Sopli ie's desire that this book ol patterns be dcdicatcd to Ma.\ine and Jerry Lalley . and in memory of her la te husband Leonard.
A lew months ago. to help realize her dream of publishing a paltem book. her son foundcd a gift and publishing company. Wallace International. I he lirst iłem on the list of books to be published was htdr Alice’-'. Garden of Crocheted Flowers, a colorful colleclion of patterns gathered herc of beaulitul. easy to make flowers for all occasions, a dream reali/ed at 71. with moreexciting patterns to eonie. K*
hiMhlicdbi W Ml \( I IMI;KNAII()\AI. SAM A HARH\KA.CA9.ini 1‘riniing; I laagcn Priniing. Santa Hathara. ( \ Phoiogtophs: .1.1 W allacc \n work toni turoni:Clyde Olcotl. Santa Haih.ita ( \
SccoiiJ Priming: Copyright. Alice Sophie W allacc 1977 •
■itt nwv«/. indinfing the rig/n to reprinhice this book or poru thrreof w tuty tor ot