K mmiii I irsf Sfrps Morkbooks help ehiltlrrn develop Hue motor jtltill* as preparafion for wriłini letłen and nnmbors.

Special features of łhis book

1.    l iii* book'* siniplc de*ign cun h«*l|> children a* younp as Iwo learn iniporlaiit basie skilis wliile lumng lun.

2.    l iii* book allow* parciu* and children to sliarv incaningfiil pkiyfimc togethcr.

.'t. Tliis book is slrueturcd so tliat your child will dcvclop fint* motor ronlrol skilis wliile uc<|iiiring ncw Yocahulury.

The aims and purpose of this book

This book is designed tor children that have completed *Lefs Cut Paper!” The aclivities within this book were designed to be slightly harder than those in the first book.

■    Dovelop fine motor skilis

Your child will improve his or her finger strength and dexterity. which in turn will help your child hołd and use a pencil correctty.

■    lmprove scissor control

Once your child can manipulate scissors and cut along designated lines accurately, then ho or she has acqu:red basie scissor controł. For your chikfs safety, it «s also very important to teach him or her how to hołd and use scissors properly.

■ Enhance children s sense of shapo As your child cuts along stratght lines and curvos. or cuts out circles and an;mals. his or her creativity and ability to create shapes will be greatly enhancod.

How fo use this book

1.    To make the exercises easier for your child. please cut out tho illustrated portion of each page for him or her.

2.    This book requiros scissors. Please use a pair of child-safe scissors and show your child how to hołd them. Teach him or her not to point scissors at others. not to cut things other than paper. and to be careful not to cut his or her fingertips or other body parts.

3.    When your child has completed each page, ptease offer him or her lots of praise.

4.    Please refer to the *To parents" notes in this book. which prowde morę comments and advtce on how to help your child enjoy learning from this book.

5.    Try to limit the number of pages your child will complete m a day. It is best to end the day's practice when your child still wants to do morę.


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