Arrn Make 2
Remów thread and pencil.
Place yarditick trssm center top ot poster board to pencil Iuk at outer edge: draw lute troen 1 point Ło not. Rep tor opposłtc s>d< (Fig. 5).
Shaping Forms
Knd 1: Ch 5, (Je. eh 11 15 ttrnes in 5th ch from hook, join in 3rd ch ot (16 dc)
Rfld 2: Ul 1. (sc. ch 41 in CKh dc around. iośn in beg x. (16 ch-l spa) Rnd* 3-12: SI *ł to center ot r<xt ch-ł *o. (sc. eh 4( in each ch-4 sp around. joen in beg K.
Insert 2Vi pUsUc (oarn hall Rrul 13: Worfcing o\xr hall. sl st in naS ch-4 sp. sc in Mmc »p and in each ch-ł sp around. >ołn in beg sc. (16 sc) Rod* 14-25: Ch 3 (counts as fint dc thfoujjhoejl), dc m each st around, ioin in 3ro ch ot beg ch-3. <16 dc)
Rnd 26: Cli I. SC tn each »t around. >ołn m beg sc. lasten cdi.
Heod, Body & Toil
Rod 1: Ch 4. [łaje. ch l| 7 limo in ■Uh ch from hoofc. join in 2nd ch ot bej! ch-4.
Rnd 2: Ch i (Counts as fint hdc. eh-2). |hdc. eh 2) in och hdc around. join in 2nd di ot bej! ch-l.
Rnd 3: Ch 5 (counts as first dc. ch-2). |dc. eh 21 in exh hdc around. join tnSrdchofbegch-S.
Insert 1’ piast* toam hall.
Rnd 4: Worfcing OW hall. eh 4 (counts as fint dc. dvł». [dc. ch II in cadi dc aioundL j*n in 3ni eh et Kg eh 4 Rad 5: Ch 5 (counls ai fint dc. ch-2), dc in same st. eh 2. Mc in not st. eh 2. {dc. ch 2| twśce in not st, rep from • around. join in 3nd ch ot beg ch-5. (12dc)
Rnd $e Ch 4 (counts as fint Irfc. ch-2L (hdc.di2(inocho<,r>ol2«k. |dc.ch2) in each et next 7 dc. (luje. ch 2 j in each «t not 2 dc.joinm2nd di et beg ch-l.
Rnd* 7-9: Ch 4 (counts a* fint hdc. ch-2). Ibdc. ch 2J m eadi ot not 2 hdc. (dc. ch 2| in each ul not 7 dc. Ihdc. eh 2} in each ot not 2 hdc. join in 2hd eh et bej! ch-4.
Insert 2* pianie foim egg, widc end fint.
Rnd 10: Worfcing wrr tgg. eh 3 (oounts as fint hdc. ch i), (hdc. ch )| in each ot not 2 hdc, (de, ch I) in each ot not 7 dc. {hdc, ch 1 j in cadt ot Ust 2 hdc. join in 2nd ch ot beg ch-3.
Rnd 11: Ch 1. te in same st and tn each rem hdc and dc around. join in beg sc.
Rosę 12: Ch 3 (counts as fint dc). 2
de in same st. 3 dc in each of not 2 »ts. tura (9 dc)
Rosę* 13 & 14: Ch 4 (counts as fint dc. ch-l), (dc, ch I] tn each ot not 7 dc. dc in tut dc, tum.
Row 15: Ch 5 (counts as fint dc. ch-2). (dc. eh 2) In each ot not 7 dc. ch 5. sl st in last dc. (asten oflT.
Wtrsg Make 2
Rosę I: Ch 4. dc tn 4th ch (rum ttook. (eh I, sic in same sl| S limes, ch l.2dcinsamcst, tum.
Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as fir« dc throughout). dc in nett dc. ch 2, (sc. ch 3( in each ot not 4 dc. te in not dc. ch 2. dc in each ot bat 2 dc. tum.
Row 3: Ch 3. dc in not dc. ch 2.
(sc. ch 3( in radl ot not 3 ch-3 sps. sc in not ch-3 sp. ch 2. dc in each ot last 2 dc. tum.
Row 4: Ch 3. dc in neat dc. ch 2.
|sc, eh 2{ in each of not 2 ch-3 sps. sc tn next <h-3 sp. ch 2. dc m each «last 2 dc. tum.
Row S: Ch 3, dc in not dc. ch 2,
|sc. ch 21 m each ot not 2 ch-2 sps. dc in each ot last 2 dc. tum.
Row 6: Ch 3. dc in not dc. ch 2. sc in not ch-2 sp. ch 2. dc in each ot Ust 2 dc. tum.
Row 7: Ch 3. dc m each ot not 3 dc. tum.
Row $: Ch 3. sk 3 dc. sl st in Ust dc. fastrnetf.
Holding 2 strands ot thrraJ tog, ch 6. tasłen od,
Chtrlap long edges ot poster Kurd W: tape on both side* vnth trampa: •
ent tape. Mark center ot taped boarJ with pendl (PljJ. 2).
Cul 4-fout length crochet thread; tofcl in Kalt. Holding ends ot doubSed thread tightly at center top ot poster h.urd and holding pencil tn Ip end ot thread. marle Imgth ot thread acros* Smt«n ot postrr board (Figi. 3 and -I).