The text of an ANM always foliowa ihe same format:
881* SCOTLAND - West Coast - Islc of Lewis - Eyc Pcninsula and Stomoway -Radio heaeon.
r^yr- ALRS Vol. 2, 2002/03: 0001 (6/03) -«-(G)
Sourcc: Siornoway Coaslguard
Chart 1785 | prwiouft correction 2169/02 | OSGB36 DATUM
, 6"09 '-74W. 6° 21 '-37 W.
6° 09' 74 W.
, 6* 21 '-37W.
6° 09'*74 W. 6* 21 '-37W.
^ Insert symbol, radio direction-finding station. centred on: 58° I4'*82N..
Deletc symbol, radio direction-finding slaliun, at radio masl 58*12'-60N.,
Chart 1794 (INT 1625) [previous conection 2169/02 ) OSGB36 \ Insert symbol, radio direction-finding slution, centred on: 5H°14'-H2N.,
\ Delcie symbol, radio direction-finding station, at radio masl 58" 12'-60N..
Chart 2720 (INT 1602) [ previous correction 4656/02 ] OSGB36 DATUM
symbol, radio direction-finding station, centred on: 58c 14'82N.,
symbol, radio direction-finding station, at radio masL 58: 12'-60N.,
A The ANM number in the current year which should be recorded at the boltom left hand corner of Ihe chart after you havc corrcctcd the chart,
B The lilie of Lhe correction includes the geographical area or country, a morę speciftc region or port and the naturę of the correction.
C Tlić lcx( of the correction comcs ncxi. Bc carcful when noting posilions. Latilude and
longitude can be shown in minules ( ') and seconds ( ") OR minules and decimal minules depending on the chart graduation.
D The new style ANM, as shown above, lisis cach chart ihal is affeeled individually? showing the relevant part or paits of the correction which affect tltat chart.
E The Geodetic Datum is shown alongside the chart number after “prcvious correction”.
The fullowing poinls should be noted:
(1) Charts are listed in numerical order within each correction.
(2) If lhe Information contained in the square brackets does not agree with the informalion on your chart, you are missing one or morę NMs or you are using an old cdition. You should always insert the missing NMs onto the chart before correcting lhe chart for the laLesl NM.
NB. Tracings should always be filed by chart number. Thal way all lhe relevanl informalion for any parlicular chart is kepi Logelher and, ii” thal chart is cancclled or replaced by a New Edition/New Chart, all tlie old tracings relating to tliat chart can be destroyed.