plonie ?ooti wreeth form; musical poper; whifc g!oo; mixing bweket, pa:r»t brush; goid cording; hot-glue gun ond gluo slicks; goid nor ornamonts. p'ain and glittered; goid instrument ornament; wide goid łheer ribbon
In buckoi, mix egual part* glue and walor. Rip musical poper inlo strips, each about 4" or 5' wide Point the bock of eoch sffip w>th thinned glue and wrop aroond foam wreoth, Continue ro add strips, ovorłapping and changing directiom unfil wreoth ił completely covered. Use goid cord to suspond a single stor from top center of wreoth ło if bongs frcoly in center Arrange remaining stor ornaments all ovor wreoth, gluing in place. Add o single goid i nitru men! on s-de of wreoth T>c a lengłh of ribbon oround top of wreoth with a big bow for a hangar