You nefid*
łlorol łoom wreoth form. 22-googe wire; wire cutters; florisfs tcpc; clippors. wiroodged fibbon. Borist's piekł; seosonat fiowers such as daffodils. norossus. bydrangea, scial leaves
Soak RorcJ foom until thorooghfy domp. Cut a length of wire. Fold in holf and fhen in hdl ogain. S»>ck er>dł tfirough wreoth bose at bock. twist together and secure wirh florists topo »o creato o hanger. Cul Rower storn i and folioge bronches into lengths from A to 6 inches Insert storni toto wreoth bose Conrinoe odding flowerł and leoves to cover wreo»R compłetoły. Frame outor edges with additional leoves. Miii lightly wirh water Ti* ribbon into a bow; position ot top of wreoth and secure in płoce wirh florists peks; artfully bend long eods to follow curve of wreath