

You nood:

hoflowod cggihełli (iec below lor iniirucitom); ploinc fcom wreoth form; ocrylic painti in off-whito and goW; poin4xuiKej; prosied (łowcu, spray odliełivo; rwocziys; holgŁjo gun and »«cki; pńnuoMt; minioiuro loman. limo ot otango branchcs; flofol violi; floriWi w>re; baby'i breoih. ovorgroon jptigt, ilbbon

To do:

Point eggjheJj off wbito or gold; lot dry Spray wrong tidci ol proiiod Howhi wilh adbeure Wr+i twec;ori, posiiion Rowou on eggi and wnoolh in ploco gonty, Anongo eggi around wrooth; botglue in ploco Tfim Itoih floweri ond Iruit bronchei ot ncedcd, ihen ploco in waterfityd florol vio!v Wrop wiro aroond top of violi, looving celta lengfh nl endi, Potilion vialł oround wroolh, prtming wito <n»o loom Arronge loowu to covoFili in os neodod witb boby'i biealh ond overgroon jprigi Tio ribbon oroimd wrócili to funchon oj o liongor.

To amply oggt:

Rtnło eggi wiih worm woior Wilh ncedlo, poci jmoll bolo in imoll ond ond o tlighty lorgee bole in lotgo ond, inserting tip łdbciently to ccmpletoły break łhcll membrano ond yolk Blow into imali ond, oxp«l|lng contonti inlo a bowl lot dry bclore proceeding



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