Tuning guide
tessr fotiKX?<XXrę
BHP: 200+bhp COST: £2,000
>The standard cylinder head will only be good for about iSobhp max wben used in conjunction with cams. chip. exhaust. throttle bodios .ind management. So to po further youTI want to start tninking aboot getting a decent-spec ported and polished head. If you go for a stage tlwee head with targer vałves. ilU be es-cn better for flowing air. Youtt also need some higher-lift cams and a sfight inerease on the maximum rev limit to get the most from the engme. Upratcd con ród Iłolts are a most if IFIlbe rewing to 7.ooorpm.
■ youre working to a restneted
buJgrt there are a coupte ot wayj toturbocfiarg* yourZetcc. Most mportantty. though, no matter •tuch maf >00 mcntwOy d«c*Jc to jo about iL you II need to kr#«r IN compresuon rat 10 so that the engne nont Suder from drtoruf and
me* The standard ostons and rods aren t ctacOy the best to sta< t aith. M alone wheo youre irjk.rig big powe* gams The pntons are rated to about ?50tnp and the rods can tak# ?70bhp bełore theyl bend and subseouentiy get spal out the sde ot th# Woc*
STAGE 5 N/A bhp: 240+bhp _ COST: £5,000+
>Thc standard Zetec engme runs a compeession rattt of 10:1. so raising this w.n grve a oko power Inerease If the rcv limit is also ralsed. Ul be cven better. Forjed high-compression ptstons can Inerease the compresscn ratio to atłout 11.5:1 for roadgoing cars. while tran cars running race fuei can be tak en much hlgher. A sw crank and steet rods with upratcd bollsaltows highn mammum revs and greater power outputs. with a §ox lukr- m torque as wtł 1
thick - that are engine błock normal. The dr.Twboek
boost - much morę dian ibar is bkely to decrease r chałw!/ty. You can use theC.VH Escort RS Turbo exhaust manlfold and T3 turtx> if you dnO and tap the
head for the stud pat tern, or you can buy adaptor ptates xl the stim|
Iso get |
filmem of the fiesta RS Turbo inlet manifolri and injectors. Y00TI need to use an irjir.ite) fuel pump and injectors. atong with suitab'e management. Cosworth or f iesta Turbo management can t>c madę to flt. but an aftermarkel system would tx* better A decer.! sued mtercooler will also be needed
that areadirect fil. YocTIl ncd tomod the sumo and błock ~ for breatbers and 01I returns. You can also get piat os that alfow *|J
BHP: 25obhp COST: £2,ooo-£3,ooo
>Some peopte have used the standard bot tom end, either from the 1.8 or a.oltr. and smipty skimmed imm off the top of the pistons. but this has its drawbacks in that itH senously sveaken them.
Sonie have gone on to produce ssobhp on ibar of boost without any proWems. If you start to up the power. expect tłu* (ustom to crack. Agam. youTI need new management. injec tors aodaSso a set of a.ottr Zetec cams. atong willi the abovc mods. to fit the miel and exliuust manifolds. A good mtercooler will bo needed. too.