BHP: 550+bhp ĆOST: £15,000+
>Now ifs getting senoos. YouU need to have a sted crankshaft mado to cope with the exlra power. and if yoo regomg for over ssobhp. a CCI Zetec błock is a most. CCI błocks aro used by the Ford WRC team. and we havent heard of a single fallure as yet. On the miot s»de of ihings. a heavily modlfied cylinder head with big vatves and solid tappots is going to be In order to cope with everythmg. AJso. a custom-gnnd set of camshafts are górne to be needed. along *wth i.ooocc injectors for the tueCmg. A huge mtercooier w>U be vilal to keep the Inlel temperatores down. wMe on the exhaust side a 3.sin system is essent«al.
A Carrett CT35 turbo and 4?mm external wastegate to expel the hot gases easlly will also be a good idea. You're going to need a targeropacily radiator, because the exist»ng coolant system will be on its knees by now.
Pow«« Cngineerln* n * wpowerrnpnwruęco u* MorrisMotorsport . > !o/spottcauk
Jamsport ■ » * 1*7.10nwtcfttA Yulcan Cngtncerlnjt miw.rafane<v •** ccwn OuniKi Engfnet Spttaitsed Engine* m*w. tpeCtihicdengincs co ak CNC Heads cocr^.jrftco.l.'"
Piper Caim a> pptftum co i.»
Newman Cams - maa i.\. •uo-c.wk com Kent Cam* a «i» ktotcjnum Pio Afloy Motorsport awwpmrt:',
Forge Motorsport a aw (orjmwftyspor r ( Motorsport D«velopments MSO •nnrnwtorspor fdevetopmenf j cou*
Spodalist Car Seryices SCS #w» ięecitirstcArsttYicei.can Reytand Motorsport >< iwie. i'Kt co u* kttt Su miwjnM śiiCOl ł AVA Torbos awitJ. IirDocOo*
Farndon Engtnccrtng mw. t.ynóon eon
Cranfc: soobhp_
Błock: 500bhp
Rods: 2
Płstoos: agobhp_
Inlct nianifold: i8obhp N/A, 3oobhpforced induction
Intake pipework^ i8obhp
Alrbołt: isobhp_
Injectors: ijobhp
Fuel pump: i8obhp __
Unmodified cylinder head: i8obhp N/A,
35obhp forced induction