B. Rules of ta king part in a conversation
• THE PLAN OF THE TALK prepared earlier - TREAT IT LIKE A MAP - be plastic and submit the natura) course of conversation
• DO NOT ASSUME IN ADVANCE that you know WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR. It may reduce your interest in interlocutors words or direct your talk in tendentious way.
• GIVE YOUR INTERLOCUTOR TIME for finding proper words - wait patiently in silence after the question is asked. It is an important signal that you are interesting in listening to the interlocutor.
• CIIECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING by paraphrasingand expressingyour interlocutors thoughts usingother words (e. g. ‘If I undcrstood You correctly, You see other possibilities of providing this scrvice ’)
• If it is possible, RF.FLECT NOT ONLY THE CONTFNT, BUT ALSO FFF.LINGS of the interlocutor (e. g. ‘I can see You are satisfied with this plan', Tou look worried about this solution’). It works as an information about honest intention to understand each other well and it beneficially influences the atmosphere of the conversation.
• AVOIDasking QUESTIONS WHICH SUGGESTTHE ANSWER (e.g. Tou rather prefer the second option, is that correct?’).
• ASK OPEN QUESTIONS (e. g. ‘Please tell me what You think about...?, ‘How do You plan to solve this problem ?).
• Remember to ask ONLY ONE QUESTION AT A TIME .
• Try to maintain THE STATE OF BEING INTERESTED IN THE INTERLOCUTOR - the things he or she says and the way he or she says it. It will allow you to avoid 'switching off. impatience and thinking about other things.