Summarized test proceduro

iOHXX strongly recommends that you rsad the complete instructions carefully before using the test the first time.




1, Sample Preparatlon and Dlstributłon

-    Dilute test samples flve hundred fold (1:500) włth sample diluent prior to being asayedtal by diluting 1 pi of sample włth 500 pl of sample diluent). NOTĘ: 00 NOT DILUTE CONTROLS. Be surę to change tips for each sample. Samples must be thoroughly ndxed pdor to dlspensing into the coated piąte.

-    Reagents should be allowed to come to room temperaturo, then mixed by irwerting and swirllng.

-    Dispense 100 pl of undiluted negathre control into appropriate welis.

-    Dispense 100 pl of undiluted positive control into appropriate wells.

-    Dispense 100 pl of diluted sample into applicable wells.

2. Sample Incubation

- incubate for 30 minutes at room temperaturo.

3. Washlng the Platę

- Wash each well with approximately 350 pl of dlstilled or deionlzed water S-5times.

4. Conjugate Dlstributłon

- Dispense 100 pl of Antl-Chicken/Anti-Turkey Horseradlsh Peroxidase conjugate into each wad.

5. Conjugate Incubation

- Incubate for 30 minutes at room temperaturo.

6. Repeat Step 3

7. Substrate Dlstributłon

- Dispense 100 pl of TMB substrate solution into each well.

8. Substrate Incubation

- Incubate for 15 minutes at room temperaturo.

9. Stopping the Reactłon

- Dispense 100 pl of stop solution Into each well to stop the reactłon.

10. Measure the Plata

*    Blank the reader with air.

*    Measure and record absorbance values at 650 nm, A(650).

11. Interpretation (SI?)

s 0.2

> 0.2 (tlters >396)__



posltłve (yaccination or exposure to APV)__

Manutactured by;

IDEXX Swłtzwiand AG

Stationsstrasse 12

3097 Uebefold-Bern, Swltzerland

For technlcal assistance

Contact your IDEXX area manager or dlstributor or vlsit:

www.ldexx.com/production/contact IDEXX Technlcal Support: 00-800-727*43399


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