For the ncxt row. bring ihc needle out the sxle of a grecn «’ seed bead. string on *mn gold 11" seed beuds. and pass hack through the initial gu-cn bead in the umc direction, making a kx>p. Continue through the gold be ad on either sidc of tbe initial gretn bcad and then through ihc ncxl grecn bcad. Puli śmigły. Repeat thi* looping proce**, as sliown in Figurę 6-6, until you hase gonc ałl the way around the ring.
Pllłł aron rui the ring again. adding one gold. one grecn, and another gold bcad betwern each point bead of the loops of tlić preriom row. as ihown in Figurę 6-7.
Figurę 57
For the Ust row. co me out of j grecn bcad of the prcvious row and string on three gold, one grecn, and three morę gold beads, passing bock through the initul grecn bead to a make a loop. Continue through three gohi bcadt not to the grecn of the prcvious row and through the next grecn bcad. Puli snugjy. Rcpcat thi* looping proces*. a* showrn in Figurę <>-%. until you h*w gonc all the way around the ring.
Itace the needle on the uil of the thread in the center of the piece and aring on one gold faceted bcad. Take the thread dircclly across the ring. entering one of the gold seed beads of tliat ring and weaeing the thread through the ring. Take the thread hsek througlt the cetttci gold faccted bcad again. work through the bcading. tic thread off, and trim the end.
Repeat steps I through 12 to create another beaded medalion for tlte other side of the bottle.
C.ut 2 fcct of thread. place a needle on each end, and then string on a grecn U" seed bead and center it on the thread length.
Place the two beaded ccntcrt logetber. matdting the outside loop*. (I his it the same concept as if you werc to place wrong >ides of esreular fabric picces together »o they could be stitched togpther.)
Pass one needle through a grecn point bead on one beaded center and the other needle through the corresponding grecn point bead on the other beaded center. Then string a grecn bead on one needle and pass the tccond needle througr it frotn the other direction. a* show u in Figurę 6-9. Puli tnugly.
On each needle, string on one gold seed bead, one grecn seed bead, and another gold.
String a grecn seed bead on one needle and pass ihc sccund needle through it froni the opposite direction. Puli śmigły.
Pass each needle through the grecn polni bead of the rsest loop 1 as in step 3, and repeat steps 3 through 6 around the beaded center piece*, crcaling tlse bead pattern as shown in Figurę 6-10 around the rings. About halfw-. insert the perfume bottle betwre* tire two beaded center ptcces, and continue stitching ihem together Tie off the thread*.