For the bonom:

| On ilłc bonom of thc nrtktl netting center section. brir.g the thrrad through one dcar point bcail. unng on threc dcar »ecd bend*. and then paw through the not dcar point bcad Continue in this mann er, adding threc elear wed lieadi Iwtwccn cach point l>ca<l around the bottom of the nettrd seetion.

21 »'«ng dcar wed Iwads. oontpłete (we rows ol Potne łtitch with thc dcar bead& of step 1 scrving ar. thc firn two rowt.

3cont.nUc willi fivc morę rowt of Peyote itildi. but tłw timc with thc dark nwe wed bcacLc. Ihu shuuld takc you to the bullom edge of tłvc bottlc, but if you arc not to tlłc edge. add an addnional row oi motc of Pcyotc umil you rcach the bonom.

thc ihreud out of one ol tbc up bcads in the łatt Pcyołc nitch row a ml string on two row wed bcads, ono elear «td bcad, two morę n>tc wed hcads, and one latge erytul bcad. ai chown in Frgure 6-1$.


3b'<xt.stringon five roto wed brad.i and one dcar wed bcail and repeat thc bcad wsąucncc four Inn cc.

^Aftei thc fourih dcar wed bcad of step 3, itnng on fnv morę rotę seed beadi. one biconc crystaL and five niorc wed beadi.

7bołlow with four reicatcof one dcar sccd bcad and fi« row wed bcadt, truking your way back up to thc largc round cryst.il bead, crcating a loopcd fringe in thc proccci.

3 Pas* back up through thc cryatal and irring on two row wed Iwaili. one dcar wed hrad, and two morę rotc secd bcads.

one up-brad to thc right of thc first one >vhi camc out of in step 4 and paw the thread through thc Pryote work until you come to the third up bcad ovcr.

Rcpca: urps 4 through >) threc morę timcs, for a total of four loopcd fiingcs.

11 Rep cal step* I thriHigli II) for tbc other bottlc.


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