Nocklncot 55
eearę r^ełe. eiring beedi oneo oiwd CRMr. 'A. a A.
L 3. rtow *. «ndng «*i cne mort c second BMMli lillplf .ecpof: Uofcnot n W*J and
rto crochti hocfc. B«q a*er loop «rf to knot and cft 1. marł hocAimo kMpw and wdh 1 te.
fcr»-q Chain: 'O 2 1 tXCTv. KONI W
FMaMng keeper: Ena «*n chi to eneen •econdkeeoer ena \*on> \ sen>ke«xc dkMMMONCUMSOlIlK FłMKOl
tMUeteceeey neetfe. weewen^ende.
• Hock tt B-i C2Sm|
• Sti? 15(01117«| n 5
ro-srewi wodrg »r«0
• Bess 31 M«rfltttd Sm rard Mas ffe 20 Mdi en* Ann :arc Mas ®: 20 Ntratfrpcd w «■ wnfl g‘3ss seto Me* O.
10 hemee 8mra bcew icwid
• fndrgt 2 Hna-oMed ęfiam teeppswłiMKkdasfc
• secors naacte. Bpwy neede
This very Simpłe glasses keeper is an idea! project lor beginners. Avoid ia>ge chunky beads because the added weight will mąko the glasses soem heavy on the ears and bridge of the nose. lt is easy to chango the color
scheme to match the łrames of your See abo
. _ BeeOrt crocnet 36
glasses. or you coukJ make severai tn
difterent colors to coordmate wrth
whatever you are weanng.