Theae eamngs match th# chokec on pages 60-61 to mąko a stunning jewelry set that eyeryone will admiro. Thoy can be completed from the leltovor materials from the choker. Feel free to vary tho number o* beads for longer ot ahorter eamngs
Materials • sće B-1
• Wre: 2y« (2m) 32-gaug* (&*•* <**«
• Beads (8fli nto d i ard s^o FmC C
Randomly throod about 22-24 eech ot $<xe 11* and atte 8* oeed oaads oneo the wtre. Foundation Chain: 10 bch. bńnging up 2 or 3 DoftO* lor #*Ch chan stitch.
Rów 1: WUtWS tndng you. sl st rto the
top looo ot aaeh eh at. bwging up 3 baaa* fot aach H tt. Thaaa top toops sit just above eaeh baed and you may hara to martwa your hook a ittie to gsin aocaas locham.
Twist tal ot wra around th* wortchg ww> o law timos to aacu*. then w*h WS sta lachg you, work arów ot oaadad surfece crochetatong the center oł the eamng. bringing up 2 or 3 Daads for each al at as betom. and hsarftng th* hook wtór o it wants to go rathar t han fintłng a proca# spaca for aach atteh.
Fastane*. leawng a 3* (7-5cm) tai.
Weave the and o< tha wra through aa many Daads aa poaabta to aacura. Cul w»e ctose to inni bead. Altach a |urrp ring imder a coupł* ot toops o( wre at the top of aach aamng. 8k> on an aar vwe and then ciosa tho |ump ring.
• Frrtngs: 2 gofd iunp iWgt 2 ge«) W
• NcftonrbeadngnMdb
Finishcd sita W (4 5cmj long
Sute* crcchel. oage 36 Baaded crochet. page 38 Wlrec»oeh*.p»ge39 Fastamngs and fnongs. pagn 46-47
bch-beaded Chain si si—s*o stiten