Original by Annie
Many of ihe producu u*ed in thi* patiem book can bc putchtmd (rom (ocal cratt, fabeic and vancty tfore* or (rom thc Anruc'* Atuc Needtetraft Catalog • you wed »ometh>ng łpeclai. a* your kxa! ttore to coniact the foHowng companies:
Yam and thrcad-COATS U CLARK; 9.0. Box 11219; Crecnville. SC 2961 ?
Dell piro and jtandi DAR1CE*, INC.; 21160 Drakę Road, StrongwIUe, OH <‘1116-6699. Phone 1 -800.321.1494
Ribbon roses and rlbbon-OFRAY RIBBON: Rt. 24; Cheiter, N| 07930-0601
Crovv-CREATTVE BtCINNINCS; P. O BOX 1330; Morro Bay. CA 93443; Phone 1.800.367-1739
Wngj 4r Porcdaln DoJ -AłANCEUEN S; P.O. 8ox 3314. Omaha. NE 6810.3-0314
Salin balii—ElORACRAET*; P.O. Box 420; Pomona, CA 91766
For blocking thread crochet piece* with watw, dampon finished piece and arrange and lhope on a padried surtace Pin in place wilh nniptool łtaintes* Steel pln>; allow lo diy compietdy, then remów; pin*, tf crochet piece* necd morę łtrffeoing and shapng, Litwie UiNener or sUithing solutlon may be uied. FUrt piece* may be blodied on a fiat piece oł cardboard tov«ed with plasbc wrap. Shapcd pieces may be Wocked tning Styrofoanr* bali* orcone* covcred wilh pLnlic wrap.
Salin Bali Angcl Applicjuć
2'A' arras* w 2W taP.
U Smali amount White PI Knit-C/o-Sheen" Art A64 by |. & P. CoatjO or sin 10 crochel col-ton Ihrrad
J 6" łtrand Cold/Cold 490C Mctaillc Knit-Cro-Shcen* Art A64M by |. k P. Coati"
or *l/.e 10 crochet cotinn thread
J 13 white 3mm pcarl bcads by Darice®
□ 13 gold *equin pin*
J 3* gold sann boli by FloraCratt'
□ Craft gh>e
U No. 7 ttccł hook
Ch. s» st. *c. dc.
Rnd 1: fteglnning at head, <h 4,11 dc in lourth ch from hook. ioin wilh *1 it in top ot ch 4. (12 dc madę)
Row 2: Worijng in rowy. ch 1, k In first 3 sts leawlng remami ng sts unworiwd, tom.
Row 3: (Ch 4. cfc. Ch 1) In dr.it «. (dc, ch 1. dc, ch 1) in next *L (dc. ch 1, dc)inU« u. uim,