Cobweb Necklace
To mąkę this nccklaor you will nccd ai Icast fivc lcngths of ihrc-ad. Prcparc cach ryw ycparatdy. cnsuriiig ihc ncckhtce i:$
Materials requireti
• roMgtiiy J. irn (V/i Jfin) nylon ihrcatl for ruch necklace row
e naotfty beads, smal! gldii bea di and sdautns
in astorted colours mglttc
• 2 bcad lips o t dasp
ev*nly balanwd.
PiCpurirt^ the ro-ws.
pi**dc thc bcud* up into os mony OS yOU wOrtł ro^rs. THrcod thc bsods «?n tg one tengrh of nyfgn, tlineod one by one (or in poirt or
tlirec* f©< smali glass bcod*} gnd., taking tho twa ends of the threod. tfc o double krnyt ovcr coch one
SpOLt- thc bcods roogWy 2cm (^/*in)
G Rcpcot step 1 untłl you reoch
thc desired lengrh. Mokc up oll of thc rows using thc somc tcchniguo
C Ass-cmbly
Tle thc rows together ot both endt
**ith o ffight Wrvot, add o dob of glc*
and place in thc bcod fipt.. Attach thc bcod tipi to Ib* clovps
1 . ScCU*t (ACH MAO WTH' A PQVfU «»CT.

HrtW Uwaii e<l irwfitn
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