To imkc chts nccklacc you will uccdi bętwęęn tlhręę and fpv< lengths of wirc and a d-ozcn Urgc nov<dtv beads tkat arc able to coniain alt the warci.
Maieriais raguirrd
• im (Win) mc tai wirc for i ach nccklacc tok 9 rtweuy hcadsj. hi asscrted cołourt « utĄxin$
Stort ot the ccntcc of thc nccklooc by threcding aII thc -wires thraugh o single beod. Bcnd thc wire up, thcn tum thc bccd on itscłf rwicc to sccure.
O V/o*i; with both ctsds of the wirc
r>o*chy bcod or a qroup of sequir>s on to ooch length -ot wirc.
O *R0|M?af i?cp* I onś 2 cv*ry 5<m <2»n) utifil you rcocti thc dosifcdi Icogth.
Assombling thc clasp
At <poc cod ot thc ncc^kK-C ^*0001 all thc -wircs through a b^cd ther wind them oround thc cnd ot thc
neckloce to %c<tm*. At thc Ofhcr cnd. gcntly twist thc wircs to mo'«c a bwtton loop che sito oł thc *he»s*n b*ad.
2. Wofft MOt+Ł CACM łllH Of THC NlCKLACl.
l. T^y thi w *(as>on imu iw tm auoou o# chi wtCKLoa.
3. Uayk (2in) bityhin kach of imi
IUmIIW bo«id«d |#»flUnr
4 TUI ttA5P 1*0* A MAC AWO A
Hjrro* uw uAOł *«iu nmreo m