RangÄ™ of Expressions
The young boy, Figs 68 and 69. is a 'natural' smiler. Notice the excessive corrugations of the cheeks at the sides of the nose, the thickening of the lower lids and cheeks.
Fig. 67
Figs 68-69
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carving?ceV Rangę of Expressions The traces of concern on the Masa i warrior s face, Fig. 114, indiccarving?ce9 Rangę of Expressions 39 Figs 80-81 ANGER Figs 80 and 81 show the face of aggression in wcarving?ceQ Rangę of Expressions 51 Fig. 107 WORKING FACES Figs 105 and 106 showincarving?ceX Rangę of Expressions Figs 119-120 The face of the teenage girl, Figs 119 and 120, showscarving?ceW Rangę of Expressions 5 7 Figs 116-117 Figs 116 and 117 show a boy lookcarving?ce0 3 O Rangę of Expressions HAPPY Referring now to the same people smilincarving?ce6 3 6 Rangę of Expressions SADNESS These two studies, Figs 75 and 77, arcarving?ceH 48 Rangę of Expressions The Masai warrior Fig. 96 and Ozymandias, the Egyptian king, Figcarving?ceI Rangę of Expressions 49 Figs 98-99 Fig. 100carving?ceP 5 O Rangę of Expressions DETERMINATION Fig. 101 depicts the Gallic warcarving?ceR 5 2 Rangę of Expressions Figs 109-1 W expect on an older person. Thiswięcej podobnych podstron