‘ The Dragon Man is unąucsdonably his mastcrpiccc.
An astonishingly told caper that’s tough, tender, poignant and totully captmdng.* Fhe Agy
‘It was as casy as that. Inspired, realły.That first one. last week, she hadn’t been a challenge at all. Drunk, half-druggcd, hitchhiking, shc’d bccn too casy. At least he’d got to usc his hcad a little tonight. His headlights probed the darkness as he carried her away, high abovc thc rottcnncss that was aiways thcrc undcr thc light of thc sun/
It s Dcccmber and ihe police of the slccpy Peninsula towns arc prcparing for thc usual summer holiday madness. Hut this time, its not just break-and-enters and joyriding kids.There's a killer on the Old Peninsula I lighway and wonieli alonc aren't safc.
For I )etcctive Inspector Hal Challis, his cjuict place in the country is about to cxplodc. The media is dcinanding to kiiow w bat he’s doing about the killer, his colleagnes arc cithcr giving trouble or in it. and his beleaguered past has a way of ncver leasing him alonc.
‘charactcrs arc engaging and appcalingly complcx...a very promising start to the series.’ Cmlmra 7 i mes
'pace and tautness, involving plodines, evocadve landscapes. Morę than that, theres an atypically (for the genre) relaxed, almost introspecrive element abroad—charactcrs develop complcxity and lodge in thc consciousncss.’
Weekend AUftralian
‘Dishcr writes a mcan crimc tłirillcr.’ \'euutslle Herald
ISBN l-fibSOfi 553-fl
Cowr design: N.uia Uackmic
phoWgraphn lic Hioło I ibr-.ir\ Cowr quo«e: l li<* /ijp*
9 781865*082530