ipe 56

ipe 56

116.    One man is scatcd upright on ihc floor; the other man places his palms againsl scatcd man’s chcst. Scatcd man pushes forward with his uppcr body whilc thc olhcr man pushes with cqual tension; hołd position; relax.

117.    One man is scated upright on the floor; the other man knecls hchind him and places his hands at his shoul-ders as shown. Scatcd man forccs back with his shouldcrs while rear man movcs forward to create equal tension; hołd position; relax.

118.    One man places his hands on the floor hchind himself and braces his out-strctched body on his hecłs; the other man places his hands at hips. as shown; right man pushes up with his hips as left man.pushes down to create equal tension; hołd position; rclax.




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