

The Futurę and the Conditional


Wlieii Is the Futurę Tense Used in Spanisli?

The futurę tense is used to indicate actions thatwill take place in the futurę. However, the futurę tense in Spanish communicates other messages as well. Here is a summary of its uses.

• To indicate an action or event that will happen or is likely to happen at a futurę time.

Mahana, vere a Ada.    Tomorrow I will see Ada.

La fiesta sera el viernes.    The party will be on Friday.

The key expressions manana and el viernes in the examples above give the time the action is supposed to take place. Here are some frequently used time expressions that indicate the futurę.

a la una, a las dos de la tarde de aqui a dos (tres, etc.) dias el ano que viene el lunes que viene el martes el mes que viene en un mes en mia semana esta noche

at one, at two in the afternoon in two (three, etc.) days

next year next Monday on Tuesday next month in a month in one week tonight

esta primavera esta tarde este verano la semana que viene luego manana manana por la manana

manana por la noche manana por la tarde pasado manana this spring this afternoon this summer next week later

tomorrow tomorrow morning

tomorrow night tomorrow afternoon the day after tomorrow

• To express a conjecture, supposition, or probability in the present. This use is the equivalent of some English expressions: can, I wonder, must be, and probably.

La chica que viene, ysera Maria?    The girl who is coming; can it be Mana?

Estaremos a diez millas de Madrid.    We must be ten miles away from Madrid.

^Guanto costara ese bolso tan bonito?    I wonder how much that beautiful bag costs.

Notę in the last example the English equivalent is an indirect question preceded by I wonder.


lQue planes tienes tu para manana? Usa el futuro en tus respuestas.

1.    <:A que hora te despertaras manana? _

2.    <{Que sección leeras en el periódico? _

3.    ^Que ropas llevaras? _

4.    yĄdónde iras, al mercado? _

5.    ^Que compraras? _

6.    ^Cuantos ejercicios haras en tu cuaderno de espanol? _

7.    ^ Cu ant as horas trabajaras? _


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