The Subjunctive Mood: The Present and the Present Perfect Subjunctive Tenses in Noun Clauses 135
• -zar changes to c.
Ya empece a investigar el caso Smith. I began to research the Smith case. Iwant
Quiero que empecemos a revisar (that we start) us to start to reuiew the results.
los resultados.
Refer to the lists of frequently used verbs with spelling changes in Unit 4.
En espańol. Use the present subjunctive to translate the italicized verb constructions.
1. I wan t you (tu) to practice this dance. _
2. Marcos wants us to have lunch (almorzar) at this restaurant. _
3. They prefer that we explain our plan. _
4. We want you (Ud.) to look for the answer. _
5. The cashier (/) doubts thatyoull (Uds.) pay cash (en efectivo). _
6. The public prefers that Lamas play the guitar. _
7. Marta and I doubt that he7l take out the money. _
To conjugate the present subjunctive of stem-changing verbs, refer to the stem changes that occur in the present indicative. You may want to review Unit 2.
Stem-C11ai igiiig Yerbs Ending in -ar and -er
-Ar and -er verbs that change the stem vowel e to ie in the present indicative show the same changes in the present subjunctive. As in the present indicative, this change affects all forms except the plurals nosotros and vosotros.
pensar (to think)
entender (to understand)
pensemos penseis pień sen
Quiero que pienses en tu problema. Iwant you to think about your problem.
Dudo que entiendan mis explicaciones. I doubt they understand my explanations.
Refer to the lists of frequently used verbs with changes in the preterit (indicative) in Unit 4.