


The Subjunctive Mood: The Present and the Present Perfect Subjunctive Tenses in Noun Clauses



Mi nueva compańera de cuarto. Traduce. Usa el vocabulario util.

I think my new roommate is not very nice. I want her to know that I am upset. I prefer that we discuss the matter soon. She does not want me to feel comfortable in our apartment. Our lease forbids us to have (that we have) pets in the apartment, but she wants to keep her parrot, Ton to. Weil, the truth is Tonto wakes up at 5:30 every morning and I prefer to sleep late on weekends. I am going to ask her to find a new apartment.




parrot cómodo(a) el contrato el asunto el loro pet

roommate to keep upset

la mascota, el animal el/la companero(a) de cuarto quedarse eon disgustado (a), enojado (a)

Other Uses of the Present Subjunctive

The subjunctive is also used after impersonal expressions followed by que. These impersonal expressions indicate disbelief, doubt, uncertainty, necessity, emotion, denial, etc. They are called impersonal expressions because they do not have a specific subject. Most impersonal expres-sions are formed with the third-person singular of the verb ser.

Es probable que lleguen tar de.    It is probable that they il arrive late.

Es necesario que estudies.    It is necessary that you study.

Here are some common impersonal expressions that require the subjunctive in the dependent clause. Notę thatadjectives in impersonal expressions (dudoso, seguro) are in the masculine singular form.

Es importante que vengas a ayudarnos. Es una pena que pierdas esta oportunidad.

Es dudoso que bajen los precios.

It is important that you come to help us.

It is a pity that you re missing this opportunity.

It is doubtful that theprices will go down.

comdene que

it is advisable that

es necesario que

it is necessary that

es dudoso que

it is doubtful that

es posible que

it is possible that

es importante que,

it is important that

es probable que

it is probable that

es precLso que

es una pena que

it is a pity that

es imposible que

it is impossible that

es util que

it is useful that

es increible que

it is unbelievable that

mas vale que

it is better that

es inutil que

it is useless that

ojala (que)

I wish, if only (that)

es lastima que

it is a pity that

parece mentira que

it seems unreal that

es mejor que

it is better that

parece que

it seems that

Notę that constructions with impersonal expressions indicating certainty or that leave no room for doubt are followed by que plus a verb in the indicative, not the subjunctive, mood.

Es cierto que somos felices.    It is true that we are happy.


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