31 |
treinta y uno |
100 |
ciento (cień) |
32 |
treinta y dos |
101 |
ciento uno, una |
33 |
treinta y tres |
200 |
doscientos/doscientas |
34 |
treinta y cuatro |
300 |
trescientos / trescientas |
35 |
treinta y cinco |
400 |
cuatrocientos/ cuatrocientas |
36 |
treinta y seis |
500 |
quinientos/ quinientas |
3? |
treinta y siete |
600 |
seiscientos/seiscientas |
38 |
treinta y ocho |
700 |
setecientos /setecientas |
39 |
treinta y nueve |
800 |
ochocientos/ ochocientas |
40 |
cuarenta |
900 |
novecientos/ novecientas |
50 |
cincuenta |
1.000 |
mil |
60 |
sesenta |
2.000 |
dos mil |
70 |
setenta |
100.000 |
cień mil |
80 |
ochenta |
1.000.000 |
un milion |
90 |
noventa | |
mil millones |
Cardinal numbers may be used as adjectives or pronouns. If they precede a noun, they function
as an adjective. Notę the following rules for the use of Cardinal numbers in Spanish:
• Instead of commas, Spanish uses periods to indicate the value of units, and commas instead of periods to indicate decimals.
Recibimos 12.532 votos. We got 12,532 votes.
Este libro cuesta $22,30. This book costs $22.30.
• If a number ending in uno (one) precedes a noun, it agrees with that noun in gender. The masculine form drops the -o and the feminine changes to uiia. Ali other numbers are invariable.
No tengo veintiun dólares. I do not have twenty-one dollars.
Hay treinta y una seńoras esperando. There are thirty-one women waiting.
Notę the accent mark on veintiun in the first example above.
• The numbers 16 to 19 and 21 to 29 may be spelled in two ways: in one word or with three words, as in dieciseis or diez y seis. The one-word spelling requires an accent mark and reflects contemporary spelling preference.
El dieciocho es mi numero favorito. Eighteen is my favońte number.
• Use y to separate tens and units only. Notę the different construction in the English equivalent.
Tienes treinta y siete anos solamente. You are only thirty-seven years old.
Pagaron cuatrocientos cuarenta y They paidfour hundred and forty-five dollars.
cinco dólares.
• If a noun does not follow the number, a number ending in uno does not change to un. The noun omitted is understood from previous information.
^Cuantos chicos hay en esta clase? How many boys are there in this class?
Treinta y uno. Thirty-one.
• Compounds that end in -ciento also agree with the noun that follows them.
Trajeron doscientas esmeraldas They brought two hundred Colombian