DSC 87

DSC 87



1. God does not notice me. (P)+    ,    , ,c

2 , would live thc same way whether I bel,eved m God or „ot. (S)

1 I somertmes think of God while drifting off to sleep. ( )

4 When I do wrong. Cods back is turned on me. (Al*

when I obey God-s rules. God makes good .hings happen for me. (I,

6.    God lifts me up. (P)

7.    God keeps calling me to develop myself. (C)

8.    I think human achievements are a threat to God. (C)

9.    The world would make no sense to me without God. (F)

10.    I imagine God to be rather formal. almost standoffish. (B)*

11.    I can see the direct hand of God in many things. (Pr)

12.    God guides me like a good parent. (Pr)

13.    God wants me to avoid the world as much as possible. (C)*

14.    My growth in maturity is pleasing to God. (C)

15.    I am sometimes anxious about whether God still loves me. (A)

16.    My belief in God is as solid as a rock. (F)

17.    Asking God for help rarely does me any good. (I)*

18.    I am confident of God’s love for me. (A)

19.    lam never surę that God is really listening to me. (P)*

20.    I know Fm not perfect. but God loves me anyway. (A)

21.    God does not seem to notice when I ery. (P)*

22.    1 have sometimes felt that 1 have committed the unforgivable sin. (A)*

23.    The voice of God tells me what to do. (Pr)

24.    My belief in God has madę a big difference in my life. (S)

25.    Even when I mess things up. 1 know God will straighten them out. (Pr)

26.    I am not very surę what God is really like. (F)*

27.    God never challenges me. (C)*

28.    Thinking too much could endanger my faith. (C)*

29.    1 think of God as morę compassionate than demanding. (B)

30.    One source of my own self-respect is God’s love for me. (A)

31.    I get what I pray for. (I)

32.    I try to be good because I know how much God love’s me. (A)

33.    I can feel God deep inside of me. (P)

34.    God’s love for me has no strings attached. (A)

35.    God doesn’t feel very personal to me. (P)*

36.    No matter how hard I pray, it doesn t do any good. (1)*

37.    Even when I do bad things, I know God still U>ves mc. (A)

38.    My belief in God is central to my life. (S)


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