Cleaning and care of instruments DIN EN ISO 17664 For dental rotary and surgical instruments
Materia) durability
When selecting the cleaning agent and disinfectant. please ensure that it is free of the following: organie, minerał and oxidising acids
stronger akaline Solutions (pH > 10.5 not permissible. only neutral or weak akaline cleaners are recommended) do not use al kalinę cleaners for polishers alcohols. ether andketones. petroleums oxidising agents
Never clean any ofthe instruments or sterilisation tiays with metal brushes or Steel wool.
Do not use cleaning agents or disinfectants containing alcohol for polishers.
FlexiPol polishing dises cannot be sterilised!
No instruments and sterilisation trays may be exposed to temperatures exceeding 137 *C (279 *F)! Do not use a thermodisinfector.
Frequent cleaning and caring for these instruments (except for brushes and FlexiPol polishing dises') does not affect or limit them as their service-life depends on wear and damage during use.
'The risk analysis shows that brushes and FlexiPol polishing dises are not suited for reprocessing and therefore cannot be re-used
The use of damaged or soiled instruments is the sole responsibility ofthe user. Ifthis is disregarded. we assume no responsibility whatsoever.
NTUCahla GmbH. Rotary Dental Instruments, kn Camisch 3.07768 Kahla/Germany
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