VEIN5 • Green
Straight Stitch
Work across fhe tcp f irst.
a-o. b - i. c - o. d - i,
e - o, f - o. o-o. h - i, etc...
tHer comc baeks/id do
the modle sectioa then
finally across the Dat tom
Use the enlcrgement oj your guide
LEAF EDGES - 6-eer Top edge
Crossover Stitch (miss 3} l-o. 5-1, 6-o, 2 - i. 3 • o. 7 o. 8-o, A-i, 5-o 9-i. 10 - o, 6 -tc 20
Cerrre Vein {miss 3)
Aj above... Ib to 19»
Softom Edge (miss 3)
As cbove... lc to 2 lc
Suggested card colcurs:
(Cream Threod) Dork Grce/i. Winę
(Cerise Threod) Creom, Pole 6rey, Olive (Sreen
W *ń (tj 6 8 ic
To make r ecsier to folio* rhc patferr. doshej have been esed cs Imus bcween the cots - these ore NOT stitches
8'o'DS Greer 4 Creom or Po e Cerise (A I buds ore fhe same cxceot *or The lergth cf sten)
Stern Stitch (&ots 2 to 11)
1 o, (m*s l) 3 -1. 2 - o, A -1 3-o. 5 - i, 4-o. 6 - i,
Sockstitch 7-6.8-7.9-8.11-20) Scpcot o larg bst*om hne from la. to roeet 13
Stern Stitch the bud ouflines in eolou-
r6?a *'? V/13 5J* #t r\ U -*.2 * • • •
• •..
•* .15
P6TAL5 • Crcam or Pole Ccnse (Ali flov.ers ore worked ir the same way) CroSJovcr Stitch (m;ss 3) l-o. 5-i. 6-o, 2 - i.
3 - o. 7 - o. 8-o, 4-i.
5-o, 9-i, 10 - o. 6 - i...
To end
Pctol Fold (mi$s 3) lo - o. 5 - i. 6 - o, 2 -1.
3-o, 7 - i., to the end
Spirol Stitch A-o. I-i, A-o, 2-1,
A-o 3 • i., as nceded.
Spj-jeJted Thr«dJ. A\oj-t Pirk • WondcrFil HIS <r Crcarny 6rcco ydreoateo MeTtkr 9S10 Deep Grtei - WurdtrT.i 4135 v«|lo- - Wonderfil 2140
_ C«pYf»$f» 2304 S.« Fci-ntrd l1 Mi, Ptsli '* S''tOi Oie^«V.t Ca-J4 • fch.Tc-i