88389 leo 2

88389 leo 2



Spirol Stitch A - o, l - i, A - o. 2 - i,

A - o, 3 - i, A - o, 4 - i,

A - o, 5 • i ...until complete

it. *3 • .2 ,3

:0. i.



Sugoested card colours.

i = in

Oark colours - N)avy 8!ue

o = out

Oorkórccn. Deep Red or Winę

lIONSrACr Sold FACE OUTIINE Gross-over Stitch Foilow diocrcm as irdicafcd.


CrcSS-cver Stitch

la - a, 7 • i, 8 • a. 2 - i,

3-o. 9 -1. 10 - o. 4 - i,

5-o. U •«. 22 • o - 6 - i.

Rcpeat for otKe- eye.


Spirol Stitch H-o.lc-l, W - o. 2 - I,

H * o, 3 - i, to 7

Back Stitch ccross r.cse fror. Ic to 6. SIDES OF NOSE lc • o. Ib • i, la • o, 6 - i

then Beck Stitch bc-tto'!’. lip.

To rc<t it ccser ’o folo>v the pctfe'-r. ■Jofics hav« bec*i esed es l ok* bctwccr the dots • fhcscare NCT sti'el’«s.


Spiral Stitch A - o. 1 i A o, 2 -1,

A - a. 3 - i. A - c. 4 -1.

A -5.5- I...

ftepeot for B.C, AD

(follow troiI of doshes)

Do mirrcr imeęa for othc.r Side.


Sp rai Stitch

£ • o. I - i, E - o 2-i.

E - o. 3 - i. E - o. 4 - i ther Straięht Stitch o - b. c - d. e - f, g - h.

Spiral St tch F - o. 1 -1 F - o. 2 - i.

F-o. 3 - i.

Reverse for lefł stde.


Spira. Stitch S - o. I •». S - o. 2-i,

S - o. 3 -1... to 9

RcecT.*nerdcd threed - Mcttler 2103 - Scld

© Ceprięft 20C-1 S.t Ftr*nr-J l.j t>itr Mtk --    Grcs

twA.fc ck'st tch.ccn


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