vęrN5 • Green
StrctigKt Stitch
Work across the tcp first.
o-o. b - i. c • o. d - i,
e - o. f - o. o-o. h -I, etc...
t hen co nr. fcoeka/id do
the raiddle secrioi ther.
fmcliy across the bottom
Use thc enlcrgcment oj your guide
LEAFEDGES- G-een Top edge
Crossover Stitch (miss 3) l-o. 5-1, ć-o, 2-i,
3 • o. 7 o. 6-0. 4 - i. 5-o. 9-i. tO-o, 6-i... tc 20
Centre Vem (miss 3)
Aj above... Ib ta 19»
Sotfon Edge (miss 3)
Aj cbove... lc to 21e
Suggested card colcurs:
{Creom Thrcod) Oork Grcen. Winę
jCeri£e Threod) Creom. Pole Gre^OIwe Grcen
To make r ecsier to foUo* the potferr. dashes hcve Ł«e» csed ci Imus bCncen the dots - these ore NOT stitches
8UDS Green A Creom or Po e Cerise (A I buds ore the same cxcesf łcr thc lergth ef sten)
Stern Stitch (E>ots 2 to 11)
1 - o. (m-SJ l) 3 -1. 2 - o, 4 -1,
3-o. 5 - i, 4-o. 6-i.
8ocksfitch 7-6. 8-7.9-8.11-10) Pepeot olcrg baf*om I r* frem la. to meet 13
Stern Stitch thc bud ouflines m eolou-
* .15
E3 ;V^ v
• ••’k •
10 [Jj 6 8 tc
P6TAL5 - Creom or Pale Censc (Ali flowers ore .wrked ir the scrne way) CroSJovcr Stitch (m;SS 3) l-o. 5 - i. 6-o, 2-i.
3 - o. 7 - o, 8-o. 4-i.
5-o. 9-i, 10 - o. 6 - i.. to er>d
Pctol Fold (miJJ 3) lo - o. 5 -1. 6 - o, 2 -1.
3-0, 7-i.. to thc cod
Spirol Stitch A - o. 1 - i. A - o, 2 -1,
A-o 3 - i. oj nceded.
S^jtlted Thr«ds. Maj.e Pirk • V,'or>Je.-F.I I11S «• Cr carr,■ Grctn wr-tocfca Mttt \cr 9910 b«e|> Gree- - WordsrF.i 9155 Velloi« . Woode/Fil 2140
_ Ccpr'<<ft 20C4 6-< Ftrntr 4 11 Kelh Wsk '» S»i»tłi <i*fonkł Co-tK «»•« cr :k's» tck.<pi