SWw Marii Lucia of me Inmculat* Meart (SUter lucyt. photooracr*d at Faoma durtnfl the p^Mni» o# Poę* Paul VI on U*j 13. 1M7 Sh« orriarnS th« Carmal cf Combra ort Huy Thuraday IW*, and W iłiF mera aa o# Ihla «%nttnQ U k aroun* me orne of thla pboio met Słafer lucy. In her pnvate ktlers %Ihm about 9m dubokcal dtaonontatlon* ot cwlani paraona In tt*e Ourch -t>o hara yael raaponaiblity Sbe »Ho tpeakt about me twe persona as 'bind and kodera o# me Mnd* and moM -do*^ r*łl undar the gu<a« of oood' For mora mrtaila about Surttr Luc/a remart* about rrj*iu«dad roambara of ft>a hierarchy, aee paęea 34.16. and foomole 28 on piQc 287.