* posters with grammar changed every few weeks, Ss leam from what is present in the environment, even if the attention is not directed to it.
* the Ss in the method are CLIENTS members of community;
ORGANIC view of the learner - ‘ontogenetic development’ - from an ‘infant’ completely dependant on the knower (Stage 1) to counselors (to less advanced Ss) completely in charge of their leaming (STAGE 5).
In between STAGE 2 - a bit of independence, being able to use some expressions and phrases, STAGE 3 - Ss understand others using target lg without the help of the ‘knower’, STAGE 4 - ‘ is similar to adolescence in that the learner is no w focused on moving beyond the basics in the target lg’ (Dakowska)
* Learning in a rotę manner, the learner commits the materiał to memory VERBATIM, trying to storę it mechanically, without perceiving any logical links.
* Meaningful learning has to fulfiłl three conditions:
1. the meaningful lg set - expecting, looking for logical links and organization in the lg materiał
2. potentially meaningfuł lg materiał - logical organization of the materiał which should contain sensible ideas
3. the logical meaning most become psychoiogical - the learner must understand the meaning, fit it in his cognitive structure, so that the objective meaning is converted into psychoiogical meaning, as subjectively experienced by the learner.
* inevitable (natural, mdispensable) part of exploring the lg process *serve as basis for further work
* indicated mutely by the T to stimulate: - self-correction ( facilitates retention), - peer correction, - T-correction used only as a last resort
he fuli power of mental brain is not used due to mental błock (remedy: relaxation techmąues) DESSUGESTION: unblocking the memory of unwabted information SUGGESTION: filling memory with desirable information
*^conditions for successful NONDEFENSIVE learning
S- security A- attention (boredom & guilt) R - retention D - discrimination (is necessary in mastering the sounds of the lg, and the meaning of words and their grammatical usage)
A - aggression R- reflection
(Tyrole reversal in tpr
* first, the T is director and the Ss are performers (imitators), then there is ROLE REVERS AL - when Ss are ready to speak they assume the role of the director
* Action seąuence is a techniąue used in TPR - simple commands, then series of connected commands (action seąuence).