Mount the FET transistors (type IRF540 or equivalent) onto the rear-panel using an isolator as well as a insulating sleeve (put some heat-conductive pasta on both sides ot the isolator), and the heatsink at the same time. Use a 15mm M3 bolt with a lock washer and a M3 nut. Bend the transistor-connectors in such a way that they lit to the terminals at the print. each transistor-connector entering between two terminals. Before starting soldering, it is recommandabte to check with an ohmmeter if there is no short-circuit between the metallic housing and the translstor-caps. Solder then the oonnections as shown at lig A
Install the switch and the push button together with the two LED-sockets on the tront-panel at a suitable place (by prelerence as close as possible to the print)(see fig.2)
Insert the LEO’s into their Socket: the red LED (indicator tor a too Iow battery volt-age) close to the push button and the green LED (Circuit functioning) dose to the switch.
Mount a RED(+) and a BLACK(-) solid terminal (15AI) either onto the tront-panel or onto the rear-panel of the housing (these terminals will be used to connect the battery).
Now execute following connections (see tig.5):
Connect the anodes (the longest wire ol the LED) ot both LED's to each other as wetl as to the point +V2 on the print.
Connect the free wire ot the red LED to the point LD1 and the (ree wire of the green LED to the point LD2.